Standard Rex
This breedbreed is known for its specific fur, which feels like a velvet. It is often used as a substitute for other animals' fur. Standard Rex fur has shortened so-called "guard" hairs. This makes the coat very dense and short. This kind of coat would be mistaken for an undercoat on a normal rabbit.
This breed has been used for meat and fur production. Since '85, the Rex breeding for fur almost stopped, when breeders realized that there are animals much larger that are just as soft. Those prolific rabbits have large litters with large numbers of kits, often 9 or more. Females are known as good mothers and make good foster mothers for other rabbits.
This breed has been used for meat and fur production. Since '85, the Rex breeding for fur almost stopped, when breeders realized that there are animals much larger that are just as soft. Those prolific rabbits have large litters with large numbers of kits, often 9 or more. Females are known as good mothers and make good foster mothers for other rabbits.
Mini Rex
This breed, also called the "Velveteen rabbit", was produced from the Standard Rex rabbit. Mini Rex's fur has a plush feel to it, like velvet, which offers a distinct feel to the touch, like the standard Rex breed. For rabbit shows, the Mini Rex's fur is worth about 35 percent of the total score. Those rabbits are popular with exhibitors. Of the compact type rabbits, they are also easiest to breed, and females are very good mothers. Mini Rex perform excellent in the Rabbit Hopping.
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